Sets Implemented using Abstract Data Types

Linked lists versus abstract lists

We saw previously an implementation of sets using linked lists. We could also implement sets using the abstract data type List. When we implemented sets using linked lists, the type for the actual cells of the linked list was included within the class for sets. But now we are considering an implementation using a type that has already been made available through the class List. So we are in fact implementing one abstract data type (Set, but in line with the previous implementations we shall use the name IntSet19) in terms of another one (List) which in turn is implemented by a data structure. So, for example, the set {5,9,7,2} is implemented by the list [5,9,7,2] which in turn is implemented by a chain of cells storing these numbers. If s is a variable of type IntSet19 this can be illustrated diagrammatically as:

The code for IntSet19, implementing sets using the abstract data type List is:

class IntSet19
// Constructive Set class, 
// implemented using unordered ADT Lists

 private List list;

 public IntSet19()
  list = List.empty();

 private IntSet19(List l)
  list = l;

 public IntSet19 delete(int n)
  List list1 = delete(n,list);
  return new IntSet19(list1);

 private static List delete(int n,List l)
     return List.empty();
  else if(l.head()==n)
     return l.tail();
     return delete(n,l.tail()).cons(l.head());

 public IntSet19 add(int n)
  List ptr;
  for(ptr=list; !ptr.isEmpty()&&ptr.head()!=n; ptr=ptr.tail());
      List list1 = list.cons(n);
      return new IntSet19(list1);
     return this;

 public boolean member(int n)
  List ptr;
  for(ptr=list; !ptr.isEmpty()&&ptr.head()!=n; ptr=ptr.tail());
  return (!ptr.isEmpty());

 public String toString()
  String str="{";
      for(List ptr=list.tail(); !ptr.isEmpty(); ptr=ptr.tail())
  return str+"}";

It is very similar to the code which implemented sets constructively but directly using linked lists we gave previously. However, an empty set is represented by an empty List, produced using the call List.empty() rather than by null. The call List.empty() produces a List object whose llist field is null, so an empty set is represented by an object whose list field refers to an object whose llist field is null. In general an object representing a set has a private field called list which refers to a List object which in turn has a private field called llist which refers to a Cell object.

Apart from this, where the representation which directly uses linked lists calls on the first field of a Cell object, the representation using Lists calls on the head method of a List object. Similarly, where the representation which directly uses linked lists calls on the next field of a Cell object, the representation using Lists calls on the tail method of a List object. Where a new Cell whose first field is set to n and whose next field is set to l is created by new Cell(n,l), a new List whose head is n and whose tail is l is created by l.cons(n).

The abstract data type Tree

We can also have an abstract data type Tree which matches the tree structure used previously to represent sets. As with our abstract data type List the abstract data type Tree we give below has only constructive methods. Therefore it acts as a way to protect against the temptation to implement some operation destructively which could have unexpected side-effects due to shared data not being taken into account.

Here is the code for Tree:

class Tree
 private Cell tree;

 public static Tree empty()
  return new Tree(null);

 private Tree(Cell l)

 public int item()
  return tree.item;

 public Tree left()
  return new Tree(tree.left);

 public Tree right()
  return new Tree(tree.right);

 public static Tree make(int n,Tree l,Tree r)
  return new Tree(new Cell(n, l.tree,r.tree));

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return tree==null;

 private static class Cell
  int item;
  Cell left,right;

  Cell(int n,Cell l,Cell r)
In this case, the names of the methods left, right and item are the same as the names of the fields of Cell objects. This does not cause a problem because it is always clear which is meant: they mean the field only when attached to a reference to a Cell object which can only occur within the class Tree.

Also there is no direct equivalent to the List method cons which is called on a List object and returns an object representing the list of that List object with an extra element (given as the argument to cons) joined to its front. Instead there is a method in class Tree which we have called make which is static so it isn't called on any Tree object. Instead it is called attached to the class name Tree, and takes as its arguments three values, an integer (when we are dealing with trees of integers) and two trees and returns the tree object made up by putting these values together, so Tree.make(n,l,r) returns the tree whose node value in n, whose left subtree is l and whose right subtree is r.

We can represent sets using the abstract data type Tree. Just as the code for the representation using the abstract data type List closely resembled the code for representing sets with construtive methods using linked lists, so the code the representation using the abstract data type Tree closely resembles the code for representing sets with constructive methods using linked tree structures:

class IntSet20
// Constructive Set class, sets stored as ordered ADT trees

 private Tree tree;

 public IntSet20()

 private IntSet20(Tree t)

 public IntSet20 delete(int n)
  return new IntSet20(delete(n,tree));

 private static Tree delete(int n,Tree t)
     return Tree.empty();
  else if(n<t.item())
     return Tree.make(t.item(),delete(n,t.left()),t.right());
  else if(n>t.item())
     return Tree.make(t.item(),t.left(),delete(n,t.right()));
  else if(t.left().isEmpty())
     return t.right();
  else if(t.right().isEmpty())
     return t.left();
      int m=rightmost(t.left());
      Tree newleft=removeRightmost(t.left());
      return Tree.make(m,newleft,t.right());

 private static int rightmost(Tree t)
     return t.item();
     return rightmost(t.right());

 private static Tree removeRightmost(Tree t)
     return t.left();
     return Tree.make(t.item(),t.left(),removeRightmost(t.right()));

 public IntSet20 add(int n)
  return new IntSet20(add(n,tree));

 private static Tree add(int n, Tree t)
     return Tree.make(n,Tree.empty(),Tree.empty());
  else if(n==t.item())
     return t;
  else if(n<t.item())
     return Tree.make(t.item(),add(n,t.left()),t.right());
     return Tree.make(t.item(),t.left(),add(n,t.right()));

 public boolean member(int n)
  return member(n,tree);

 private static boolean member(int n,Tree t)
     return false;
  else if(t.item()==n)
     return true;
  else if(n<t.item())
     return member(n,t.left());
     return member(n,t.right());

 public String toString()
  return "{"+toString(tree)+"}";

 private static String toString(Tree tree)
     return "";
  else if(tree.left().isEmpty()&&tree.right().isEmpty())
     return ""+tree.item();
  else if(tree.left().isEmpty())
     return tree.item()+","+toString(tree.right());
  else if(tree.right().isEmpty())
     return toString(tree.left())+","+tree.item();
     return toString(tree.left())+","+tree.item()+","+toString(tree.right());


Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 3 October 2001