Stacks, Queues and Lists Implemented with Arrays

Stacks implemented with arrays

In our previous implementation of stacks, we used linked lists as the data structure to implement the abstract concept of a stack. However, it is common for stacks to be implemented using arrays rather than linked lists. The implementation goes back to our first implementation of sets, where we used an array of the maximum size we might need, and a counter saying how much of this array is actually in use at present.

The implementation of stacks using arrays is very simple:

class ArrayStack
 private Object[] array;
 private int count;
 public static final int MAX = 100; 

 public ArrayStack()
  array = new Object[MAX];
  count = 0;

 public Object top()
  return array[count-1];

 public void pop()

 public void push(Object obj)

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return count==0;

When a new stack is created (via the constructor) its array is set to the maximum size which it is considered the stack would ever grow to (in our example, set to 100), and its count field is set to 0.

Pushing a new object onto the stack involves setting the array cell indexed by the count to refer to the new object and then increasing the count by one. Popping an object off the stack involves just reducing the count value by one. There is no need to do anything else to delete the object, since that cell will be set to another object if push is used again. The cell which is indexed by the count field less 1 refers to the top item of the stack.

For example, if we executed:

Stack s = new Stack();
assuming that our type Stack here refers to a stack of integers implemented with an array, the situation arrived at could be represented as:

Then after executing

the situation will be:

After executing

it becomes:

and then after executing

it becomes

The advantage of using an array implementation for a stack is that it is more efficient in terms of time than a linked list implementation. This is because there is none of the work associated with claiming new store as the size of the stack increases and garbage collecting it as it reduces. Rather there is a fixed amount of store set aside from the start for the stack. As stacks are destructive we do not have to copy this store every time we perform a stack operation, and in general in the sort of applications where stacks are used we do not have large numbers of them, so there is not a big issue of waste of store.

Queues implemented with arrays

Queues are implemented using arrays in a way similar to stacks. With queues however, we need two integer indexes, one giving the position of the front element of the queue in the array, the other giving the position of the back element, or rather in a similar way to stacks, the position after the back element. Here is an implementation of queues using arrays:
class ArrayQueue
 private int front,back;
 private Object[] array;
 public static final int MAX=100;

 public ArrayQueue()
  array = new Object[MAX];

 public Object first()
  return array[front];

 public void leave()

 public void join(Object obj)

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return front==back;


With stacks, the push method caused the single index field count to be increased by one, while the method pop caused it to be decreased by one. With queues, however, the two index fields, front and back, can each only be increased by one. The field front is increased by one by the leave method, while the field back is increased by one by the join method. So as items leave and join the queue, the section of the array used to store the queue items will gradually shift along the array and will eventually reach its end. This is different from stacks, where the section of the array used to store the items in a stack only reaches the end of the array if the size of the stack goes beyond the size of the array.

To deal with this problem, a "wraparound" technique is used with queues implemented with arrays. When either the front or back field is increased to the point where it would index past the end of the array, it is set back to 0. Thus the state is reached where the front section of the queue is in the higher indexed section of the array and the back section of the queue in the lower indexed section of the array. Consider, for example, a ArrayQueue variable, q, referring to the structure in the diagram below:

This represents the queue [9,7,11]. The contents of the rest of the array are irrelevant since the queue is the section of the array between that indexed by the front field of the object referred to by q up to but not including the array cell indexed by back. If after this

is executed, the first item in the queue leaves it, giving the situation:

This represents the queue [7,11]. Note that it was not necessary to change the value of the array cell that stores 9. Changing the value of the front field indicates that 9 is no longer in the queue which now starts at the cell in the array indexed by 3.

Suppose the array is of length exactly 6, as shown in the diagram. So the static final int value MAX would be set to 6 rather than 100 as in our code. In this case when an item joins the queue in the state as represented above, increasing back by one causes it to become equal to MAX so it is then set to 0. So, for example, executing

changes the above situation to:

The variable q now refers to an object that represents the queue [7,11,8]. If another item joins the queue, for example, after executing

the queue will wrap around the array:

This represents the queue [7,11,8,10].

Lists implemented with arrays

It does not really make sense to implement lists with arrays rather than with a linked list structure. The reason is that as lists are a constructive type, you cannot implement the operations on them without copying the whole array. So you do not have the equivalent of the stack and queue operations which in the array representation are all done with just a few operations.

The main reason for showing an implementation of lists using arrays is just to indicate that a list as an abstract data type is not equivalent to a linked list. One is an abstract concept, the other is a structure given by cells and pointers in the computer. Because the abstract concept is generally implemented using one particular data structure does not mean the two are equivalent because it is possible to implement the abstract concept in other ways.

Here is an array implementation of lists of integers:

import java.util.*;

class ArrayList
 private int count;
 private int[] array;

 public static ArrayList empty()
  return new ArrayList(null,0);

 private ArrayList(int[] a,int s)

 public int head()
  return array[count-1];

 public ArrayList tail()
  return new ArrayList(array,count-1);

 public ArrayList cons(int n)
  int[] array1 = new int[count+1];
  for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
  return new ArrayList(array1,count+1);

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return count==0;

 public String toString()
     return "[]";
      String str="["+array[count-1];
      for(int i=count-2; i>=0; i--)
      return str+"]";
 public static ArrayList fromString(String str)
     return empty();
  str = str.substring(1,str.length()-1);
  StringTokenizer toks = new StringTokenizer(str,",");
  try {
       int[] array1 = new int[toks.countTokens()];
       for(int i=array1.length-1; i>=0; i--)
           String num = toks.nextToken().trim();
       return new ArrayList(array1,array1.length);
  catch(NumberFormatException e)
       return empty();


Lists here are represented in a similar way to our stack representation using arrays, as a partly filled array with a count showing the amount of the array which is treated as data in the list. The head of the list, like the top of a stack, is the item in the array indexed by one less than the count. This means that the tail method can be implemented like pop with stacks, sharing the array but with a reduced count. However, since lists are constructive, a new object with the reduced count is created. So if we have three list variables l1, l2 and l3, the following shows l1 representing the list [9,7,6,8]:

Now if we execute

l2 = l1.tail();
we get:

So l2 represents [7,6,8] while l1 still represents [9,7,6,8]. But the cons operation has to be done by copying all the elements of the list it is called on. If from the above we execute

l3 = l2.cons(20);
we get the situation:

Now l3 represents [20,7,6,8]. We can't put 20 into the array for l2, making the situation:

since this would change l1 into also referring to [20,7,6,8]. This cannot be right, because our abstract lists are defined so they can't be changed at all once created, let alone as a side-effect to some other operation.

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 18 April 2005