Input through a Dialog Box

This set of notes is not necessary reading for the Algorithms and Data Structures course. It is given here simply to illustrate how you could, if you liked, get input read from separate dialog boxes rather than from the window you use to start off Java programs. This is given only because you happen to think it would look nice if your programs could get their input this way, you could alter them to make them do so as shown below. It is given only for interest's sake, it is not examinable.

Input through the Command Window

Remember how in the powers example, you used the following code to run a little dialog that asks for two numbers and prints the first to the power of the second:

class PowerIt1
 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  int n,m;
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  System.out.print("Enter number n : ");
  n = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
  System.out.print("Enter number m : ");
  m = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
  System.out.print(n+" to the power of "+m+" is: ");

 public static int power(int n, int m)
 // Calculates n to the power of m iteratively
  int acc=1, count=0;
  return acc;
As explained in those notes, the important part of this code for the Algorithms and Data Structures course is the method called power. The method called main is just given because you always need a method called main with a single parameter of type String[] to start up a Java program. It includes some code which causes text to be read from the window the command to start the Java program was issued from. This is OF NO IMPORTANCE WHATSOEVER to the Algorithms and Data Structures course, since this course is about algorithms and data structures and not about the more detailed aspects of the Java language.

What happens here is that the statement:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
causes a BufferedReader object to be created and referred to by the name in. We needn't have called it in. If we wanted to call it buf we would have used the statement:
BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
Having declared and initialised our BufferedReader object in this way, if it is called in then the call in.readLine() will return as a Java String the next line of text typed in the command window, up to but not including the end-of-line. Obviously, if we had decided to call the BufferedReader variable by the name buf rather than by the name in, to read the next line of text typed into the command window and return it as a string we would use the call buf.readLine().

Since the type BufferedReader is defined in the Java library package called, to use it the line

needs to be included in the file, before the word class which starts the definition of the class. Another point is that as the call in.readLine() can cause something called an IOException to be thrown, the header to a method which calls it must include following the closing ) the "throws declaration" written throws IOException. Actually, you could just put throws Exception since Exception is a general term which includes the specialised form of exception called IOException. Also, instead of having a "throws declaration", you could have "caught" the exception using a try-catch statement, but this is an aspect of Java you won't have covered yet.

If the variable str of type String is a string consisting of digits only, then Integer.parseInt(str) returns the actual integer which the string referred to by str holds. That is why:

n = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
reads a line of text, converts it to an integer, and puts the integer in the variable n. There was no need to have a separate variable which is used just to hold the value returned by in.readLine() and pass it as the argument to the call to Integer.parseInt. However, it would cause no harm to have one. If we alredy had a variable called str of type String declared at this point but not used for anything else, we could use the code:
str = in.readLine();
n = Integer.parseInt(str);
If we didn't have a variable called str, we could declare one and set its value in one statement, making the code:
String str = in.readLine();
n = Integer.parseInt(str);

Input through a Dialog Box

Howver, the point of these notes is to show, merely for interest's sake, how you could get your input from a dialog boc rather than from the command window. So, here's some simple code for this:
import javax.swing.*;

class PowerGraphics1
 public static void main(String[] args)
  int n,m;
  String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter number n : ");
  n = Integer.parseInt(input);
  input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter number m : ");
  m = Integer.parseInt(input);
  System.out.print(n+" to the power of "+m+" is: ");

 public static int power(int n, int m)
 // Calculates n to the power of m iteratively
  int acc=1, count=0;
  return acc;
As you can see, it involves just as much gobbledygook as getting your input from the command window.

For some explanation of this, if str is a string value, then JOptionPane.showInputDialog(str) causes a separate small window to open with the wording referred to by str in it, and below that a box in which text may be typed. The call returns that text into the program. In the above code, rather than use a separate variable to hold the wording that is used in the box, a string constant is passed as the argument. A new variable of type String called input is declared and set to refer to the text typed in the separate small window.

As with the previous example, we have to convert the string typed in to an integer using Integer.parseInt. The variable input is then reused to refer to a second string of text types into another small window in the same way.

Note that the Java library the code for using these small windows is in is called javax.swing, hence the import statement at the start of the code. Unlike calling readLine on a BufferedReader, calling JOptionPane.showInputDialog cannot cause a checked exception to be thrown, so a throws declaration is not required. However, note that the statement System.exit(0); is required at the end of the main method. This is because calling JOptionPane.showInputDialog sets up some independent code that would carry on executing even when the end of the main method was reached, unless it is explicitly halted using System.exit(0).

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 12 December 2002