Trees: Sets using Trees

Linked tree structures

We considered the linked list data structure as a way of storing data which represents a set. A linked list is constructed using objects which have one field of the same type as the object. A linked tree structure is created from objects which have two or more fields of the same type as the object. If there are exactly two links in every cell in the structure, it is referred to as a binary tree structure. Binary trees are the most commonly encountered sort of tree, so if the term "tree" is used on its own, it is often taken to mean "binary tree".

The class for a linked binary tree structure is very similar to that for a linked list structure (again we will discuss just structures containing integers for simplicity):

class Cell
 int item;
 Cell left,right;

 Cell(int n,Cell l,Cell r)
Although we have called it Cell, the same name we called the class for cells in linked lists, this will be no problem since we will again make it an inner class within the class for sets.

The structure for the class that gives us sets will be as follows:

class IntSet13
// Destructive Set class, sets stored as ordered trees
 Cell tree;

 code for the method delete

 code for the method add
 code for the method member

 code for the method toString

 code for the class Cell (i.e. as given above)


Given the class Cell as above, if we have variable declarations

Cell t1, t2, t3;
after executing the code
t1 = new Cell(7,null,null);
t2 = new Cell(5,null,null);
t3 = new Cell(4,t1,t2);
t2 = new Cell(3,t3,null);
for example, we will end up with a structure which can be shown in diagrammatical form:

As this example shows, although cells in a tree structure have two link fields, it is possible for one of those links to be null and the other not, leading to one outgoing link.

The exact shape of the boxes in the diagrams is not important. You might also see them drawn as:

If it is not necessary to stress exactly how it is made up of cells and pointers, the tree may be shown more simply as:

As with the linked list structures, the fields here are not declared as private so it is possible to change them directly. For example, suppose after executing the code above we executed:

This would change the situation to that represented by:

Note this means the tree referenced by t1 is changed because the cell referred to be t3.right is the same cell as that referred to by t1, and the tree referenced by t2 is changed because the cell referenced by t2.left is also the cell referenced by t3.

Given a Cell object referenced by a variable t, the structure referenced by t.left is referred to as the left subtree of t, the structure referenced by t.right is referred to as the right subtree of t and the value in t.item is referred to as the node value of t. It can be seen that a tree is a recursive data structure, since it will either be the empty tree (represented by null) or a tree made up of a data item and two trees.

Ordered binary trees

A binary tree is ordered if it is the empty tree. It is also ordered if both its subtrees are ordered and all the items in the left subtree are less than the node value in the ordering used, and all the items in the right subtree are greater than the node value. The tree below is an example of an ordered tree:

Now suppose we want to alter this tree to represent adding the number 20. To do so, we can note that 20 is greater than the node value, 10, so we must add it to the right subtree. It is greater than the node value of that subtree, 15, so we must add it to the right subtree of that subtree. But it is less than the node value of that subtree, 21, so we must add it to that subtree's left subtree. It is greater than the node value of that subtree, 17, so we must add it to that subtree's right subtree. As that tree is empty, we replace it by a new tree whose node is the value being added, 20, and whose subtrees are both null. This gives us:

So long as we always add new integers in this way, we will keep the tree with its ordered property. We can represent this process of moving down to the left or right subtree until one is reached where the tree moved to would be null by the following code:

public void add(int n)
    tree = new Cell(n,null,null);
     Cell ptr=tree;
               ptr.left = new Cell(n,null,null);
            ptr = ptr.left;
        else if(n>ptr.item)
               ptr.right = new Cell(n,null,null);
            ptr = ptr.right;
The loop here will exit without any new cell being created if it encounters a cell with node value equal to the number being added, which is what we want for sets as we have defined them.

The code for testing membership of a set represented by a tree is simple. We start at the root of the tree, and work down moving to the left subtree if the number we are looking for is less than the node value of the tree, to the right subtree otherwise, until we reach a position where the pointer we are moving down either points to a cell holding the number or has become null. In the former case, the number is in the set, in the latter it isn't. Here is the code:

public boolean member(int n)
 Cell ptr=tree;
 return ptr!=null;
This shows the main advantage of using ordered trees to represent sets of data. Each time we move down one branch of the tree, we cut off from consideration all the elements in the other branch. Compare this with having to go through the whole list as we would with sets represented by non-ordered lists if the element whose membership we were testing were not in the list. Or having to go on average through half the list if the set were represented by an order list. With the tree representation, each time we go to one branch of the tree, we cut all the elements from the other branch out of consideration without looking at them, because we know the element we are looking for cannot be found amongst them.

If our tree were perfectly balanced, meaning at any point in the tree there are exactly as many elements in the right subtree as in the left, each time we move to the right or left, we would cut the number of elements we are considering by half. This is similar to the way binary search of an array works.

However, we have no guarantee that our trees will be perfectly balanced. There are many different ordered trees that store the same set of numbers, and the shape a tree will become as it is constructed will depend on the order in which the numbers added to it are given. Consider, for example:

which is a perfectly balanced tree representing the set {3,10,15,17,19,21,26} and the tree:

which represents the same set but is unbalanced. In the first case, to test whether an element is a member of the set, we would at most have to make three comparisons, whereas in the second case we might have to make up to six (to test if 16, 17 or 18 is in the set).

There are more complicated ways of adding integers to trees which ensure the trees remain balanced. These are used to avoid the problem of trees becoming unbalanced, which loses the advantage of using the tree structure. However, we will not discuss keeping trees balanced at this point.

Deleting from ordered trees

Deleting from ordered trees is a rather complex matter. But the basics of it are the same as the operations described above: we move a pointer down the tree, going down either the left branch or the right branch depending on whether the number we wish to delete is less than or greater than the number which is the node value of the subtree we are at.

Let us first consider how we would delete a number which is in what is known as a "leaf" of the tree, that is a cell which has no descendants. In this case, if we consider it just in terms of diagrams, it is obvious what we need to do. For example, to remove the number 7 from the tree below:

we obviously need to transform the tree to:

and something similar needs to be done if 1, 5, 9, 11 or 15 are removed.

To remove a leaf cell like this, we need to move a pointer to the cell above it in the tree:

Now from this position, ptr.right=null will remove the cell containing 7, while ptr.left=null will remove the cell containing 5. It is necessary to do this from the cell above because that causes the change through this cell being shared. You might think that from the situation in the diagram above, executing ptr=null would remove 5, 6 and 7 from the tree, but in fact it makes no change to the tree. It sets ptr to null, but this has no effect on the right field of the cell containing 4.

Here is a code fragment which does the work of moving a pointer ptr down the branches of a tree to find the number n:

  Cell ptr=tree;
     else if(n>ptr.item)
With this code, if the number n is found in a leaf cell descending from the cell which ptr is referencing, that leaf cell is deleted. The lines
do this to delete a leaf to the right, as in the case of the number 7 in the example above. After this, executing ptr=ptr.left sets ptr to null. Also, ptr eventually becomes null if the number n doesn't exist in the tree.

The difficult case comes when the number we want to delete isn't in a leaf of the tree. In this case, the code above will leave ptr pointing to the cell containing the number we wish to delete. For example, in the case above if we wish to delete 12, the code will leave us in this situation:

But we can't just remove 12 and leave a "hole" in the tree.

The situation is not too difficult to deal with if it happens that one of the branches of the cell whose number we're deleting is null, for example if we had:

we would change the situation to:

We can do this by actually copying the number 10 from ptr.left.item into ptr.item, and similarly the links from ptr.left.left and ptr.left.right into ptr.left and ptr.right. When doing this, we must change the field ptr.left last as changing it changes what ptr.left.right and ptr.left.item mean. So this is done by the code:


We could do something similar if the left subtree of the cell ptr is referring to is null. But if neither the left nor the right subtree is null we are in a more complicared position.

What we do is remove the highest number in the left subtree of the cell referred to by ptr and put it in the place of the number being deleted. This will keep the condition that all the numbers in the left subtree are less than the the number in the cell, and all the numbers in the right subtree are greater than it.

The highest number in the left subtree must be the number found by going to the left subtree and then following down all the right subtree links. We send a second pointer down to the cell that points to the rightmost cell. For example, with the following situation:

the number 25 is the biggest in the left subtree, so to delete the number 30, we replace it by 25, and delete the cell containing 25. The diagram above shows the final position of the second pointer, called ptr1 to do this deletion. The position we want to end up with is:

The following code will do this:


Putting together all the code necessary to delete an integer from an ordered tree of integers gives us the following code for the method delete:

 public void delete(int n)
  Cell ptr=tree;
     else if(n>ptr.item)
     else if(ptr.right==null)
     else if(ptr.left.right==null)
         Cell ptr1=ptr.left;

Printing trees

The code for giving the string representing the set represented by a tree uses recursion. If we just wanted the numbers in a tree, either the tree is empty in which case the empty string represents the number in it. Or the tree is not empty, in which case the numbers in the left subtree, the node value and the numbers in the right subtree represent the tree. As you can see, this is a recursive definition: we have defined the string giving the numbers in a tree in terms of the same thing on the subtrees of the tree. Using this, here is code that will give a string consisting of the characters forming the numbers in a set represented by a tree, separated by spaces:
public String toString()
 return numbersIn(tree);

private static String numbersIn(Cell tree)
    return "";
    return numbersIn(tree.left)+" "+tree.item+" "+numbersIn(tree.right);
Note that the numbers will be given in ascending order. This is because we give the node value number in between the numbers in the left subtree and the numbers in the right subtree, and we know it must come in between numerically. But the same applies to the left subtree and right subtree. So putting numbers into an ordered search tree, and then flattening the tree into a list of numbers can be a way of sorting those numbers.

Going through the elements of a tree in this way: first those from the left subtree (using recursion), then the node value, then those from the right subtree (using recursion) is known as inorder tree traversal. If the last but one line of numbersIn above were:

return " "+tree.item+" "+numbersIn(tree.left)+numbersIn(tree.right);
we would get what is known as preorder tree traversal where for any tree we consider its node value before either of its branches. If we consider both branches before considering the node value, as in:
return numbersIn(tree.left)+numbersIn(tree.right)+" "+tree.item+" ";
we get postorder tree traversal.

In the above code, there is a public method which makes use of an auxiliary private method. The public method is non-static, and when it refers to tree it means the tree field of the object the call to the method is attached to. But the private method takes the tree it is flattening as its parameter, rather than from an object it is attached to. Therefore it can be declared as static.

The actual code we use for giving a correct representation of sets has to be a little more sophisticated than the above. It needs to put braces round the numbers, and commas in the correct places between the numbers. So here's the code:

 public String toString()
 return "{"+toString(tree)+"}";

 private static String toString(Cell tree)
     return "";
  else if(tree.left==null&&tree.right==null)
     return ""+tree.item;
  else if(tree.left==null)
     return tree.item+","+toString(tree.right);
  else if(tree.right==null)
     return toString(tree.left)+","+tree.item;
     return toString(tree.left)+","+tree.item+","+toString(tree.right);

Complete code

To finish, here is complete code for a set maintenance program, and a class for sets which uses trees as the data structure. In order to be able to demonstrate how trees work, this set maintenance program, though similar to the ones given previously, includes as extra command, t which prints a representation of the tree which stores the current set. It's fairly crude, as it would be a much more difficult problem to print a representation in the form with the root at the top. In this case, the root is at the left side, and there are no lines drawn between the numbers.

class UseIntSets12
// Set maintenance program 
// Uses set class IntSet13

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  int n=0;
  char ch;
  String line;
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  IntSet13 mySet = new IntSet13();
  do {
      System.out.print(": ");
      line = in.readLine();
      ch = line.charAt(0);
         n = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(1).trim());
          case 'q' : 
          case 'd' :
          case 'a' :
          case 'm' :
               System.out.println("Is a member");
               System.out.println("Not a member");
          case 'p':
          case 't':
            System.out.print("d - delete, a - add, m - member,");
            System.out.println(" p - print, t - tree print, q - quit");


class IntSet13
// Destructive Set class, sets stored as ordered trees

 Cell tree;

 public void delete(int n)
  Cell ptr=tree;
     else if(n>ptr.item)
     else if(ptr.right==null)
     else if(ptr.left.right==null)
         Cell ptr1=ptr.left;

 public void add(int n)
     tree = new Cell(n,null,null);
      Cell ptr=tree;
                ptr.left = new Cell(n,null,null);
             ptr = ptr.left;
         else if(n>ptr.item)
                ptr.right = new Cell(n,null,null);
             ptr = ptr.right;

 public boolean member(int n)
  Cell ptr=tree;
  return ptr!=null;

 public String toString()
 return "{"+toString(tree)+"}";

 private static String toString(Cell tree)
     return "";
  else if(tree.left==null&&tree.right==null)
     return ""+tree.item;
  else if(tree.left==null)
     return tree.item+","+toString(tree.right);
  else if(tree.right==null)
     return toString(tree.left)+","+tree.item;
     return toString(tree.left)+","+tree.item+","+toString(tree.right);

 public String treeString()
  return treeString("",tree);

 private String treeString(String indent,Cell tree)
     return "\n";
  else if(tree.left==null&&tree.right==null)
     return indent+tree.item+"\n";
     return treeString(indent+"     ",tree.right)+
            treeString(indent+"     ",tree.left);

 private static class Cell
  int item;
  Cell left,right;
  Cell(int n,Cell l,Cell r)

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 24 September 2001