Recursion with Linked Structures: more destructive set implementations

Recursion with linked lists

In the previous set of notes, we switched from using iteration to using recursion when we considered flattening trees to a list of their elements for printing. Before that we used iteration, moving a pointer down the branches of a tree using a loop.

Operations involving the whole of a tree are difficult to program without using recursion. But more generally, operations on linked data structures are often as easily programmed using recursion than using iteration, even when there's no particular difficulty involved in using iteration. There's no "right" or "wrong" way of doing it, but one you get comfortable with using recursion, it is often easier to write methods that way and understand methods written using recursion, than it is to write and understand methods that do the same thing expressed with iteration.

To demonstrate this, we will go back to the implementation of sets using ordered linked lists, but this time use recursion to code the methods. Here is the code to delete an element from an ordered linked list representing a set:

 public void delete(int n)

 private static void delete(int n,Cell l)
     else if(<n)
This uses the same technique we saw with printing trees. There is a public non-static method which refers to the field from the object the method is called on, in this case the field list. But most of the work is done by a private static method where the structure being manipulated is passed as a parameter. Since the type of this method's second parameter is defined by a class which is private inside the class where the method occurs, it could not be anything other than private, since outside the class it could not have anything to be its second argument.

Note that we cannot actually change the object the field list refers to in a method which takes it as a parameter. We can only change the contents of the object, including fields which refer to further objects. To illustrate this, suppose we mistakenly used the following code:

public void delete(int n)
private static void delete(int n,Cell l)
    else if(l.first<n)

then if we have the list [3,5,8,9] and we want to delete 3 from it, when we start the static delete method we have the situation (where list is a set object field, but l is a local variable in the method delete):

When we then execute we get to the situation:

Which has changed what the local variable l refers to, but has made no change to the list field of the object. If we wish to delete 5, however, from the situation in the first figure above, executing will result in the situation:

which does result in a change to the list referred to by the object field list.

In a similar way, when we are adding an element to the list, we deal with adding it to the front in separate code in the first (non-static) method, while adding elements otherwise in the static recursive method:

 public void add(int n)
     list = new Cell(n,null);
  else if(n<list.first)
     list = new Cell(n,list);

 private static void add(int n,Cell l)
  if(||n< = new Cell(n,;
  else if(n>
In the static recursive methods delete and add the assumption is made that the integer to be deleted or to be added before occurs after the integer in the cell immediately referred to by the parameter l. If the integer to be deleted is not the next cell, or the integer before which the new cell is to be added is not the next cell, the manipulation is equivalent to manipulating the list following that referred to by l so can be done by a recursive call. As we are dealing with ordered lists, the place to add a new integer is just before the first integer which is greater than it. But if the number being added is greater than any number in the list, then it's just after the last number in the list. That is what the lines
if(||n< = new Cell(n,;
accomplish in the static method add. Here the "short-circuit" operation of || is essential. If is null then there is no such field as and attempting to access it would cause an exception. However, a||b for any expressions a and b is defined as evaluating a and if it evaluates to true returning true without evaluating b. Therefore if evaluates to true, the whole expression||n< evaluates to true without n< being evaluated at all.

Another way of dealing with the fact that we need special code to deal with manipulating the list when the manipulation takes place at the front of the list is to use a "dummy element". So, for example, the following structure:

would represent the set {3,7,8} with the content of the first cell being irrelevant. In that case, the public methods for add and delete could be just:

 public void delete(int n)

 public void add(int n)
If this representation were used, the class would have to have a constructor which set up the dummy first element when a new set object was created:
 public IntSet15()
  list = new Cell(0,null);

With delete, since the list is ordered, if it is found that the next number in the list is greater than the number being deleted, the number being deleted cannot be in the list so nothing more needs to be done. If we wanted to make quite clear it was understood this is what happens, we could write the code:

 private static void delete(int n,Cell l)
     else if(l.first<n)
     else ; // Do nothing - n not found
The semicolon after the final else indicates the "empty statement", the statement with nothing in it. This has no effect on how the code is executed, but makes it more clear to the human reader of the code.

Similarly, in the code for add it might be a good idea to add an empty statement and a comment to indicate that in the case where we are adding a number to the list and find the number is already in the list, we do nothing, so:

 private static void add(int n,Cell l)
  if(||n< = new Cell(n,;
  else if(n>
  else ; // Do nothing - n already in list
Now if we wanted to change the behaviour of sets to report some sort of special condition (maybe throw an exception) if a number being deleted isn't in the list, or a number being added is already in the list, it is easier to see where the change in the code should be made.

The recursive code for list membership is easy, and since it doesn't involve changing the structure of the list, it doesn't require any code to handle the special case of making changes at the beginning of the list. So here's the code:

 public boolean member(int n)
  return member(n,list);

 private static boolean member(int n,Cell l)
     return false;
  else if(n==l.first)
     return true;
     return member(n,;
The nice thing about this is that the code which actually solves it is close to an abstract specification of the solution to the problem. A number is not a member of an ordered list if the list is null or the number is smaller than the first element in the list. A number is and element of a list if it is the first number in the list. A number is an element of a list if it is an element of the list which forms the next field of the original list. We can see that this is logically true, and that the code directly reflects these English statements.

Recursive code can also be given for converting a list of integers representing a set to a string:

 public String toString()
     return "{}";
     return "{"+toString(list)+"}";

 private static String toString(Cell l)
     return ""+l.first;
     return l.first+","+toString(;
One interesting thing here is that if the last but one line is changed to:
     return toString(","+l.first;
the numbers are returned for printing in descending rather than ascending numerical order. With trees, we discussed three different ways of going through the elements of a tree - inorder, preorder and postorder. This depended on the ordering of considering the node of the tree and considering its branches. Actually, there are six different ways of traversing a tree using straightforward recursion, because the three ways we gave all considered the left subtree before the right, so there is the equivalent for each with the recursive call on the right subtree coming before the recursive call on the left. With lists there are just two orderings - either consider the first element then consider the rest through the recursive call, or do the recursive call first. Considering the first element after the recursive call will mean the second element is considered after considering all but the first two elements but before the first, and so on, so in general considering the first element afer the recursive call results in the elements being considered in backward order to their position in the list.

Copying linked lists is very easily done recusively. Thinking recursively, if a linked list is null, its copy is null, otherwise its copy is a new cell whose first item is the first item from the original list, and whose next is a copy of the rest of the original list. This gives the following code to copy a linked list:

 private static Cell copy(Cell l)
     return null;
      List l1 = copy(;
      return new Cell(l.first,l1);
which could be used with the method
 public IntSet11a copy()
  Cell list1 = copy(list);
  return new IntSet11a(list1);
to give alternative, and perhaps easier to understand, code for a copy method for sets implemented by linked lists than that given previously.

Recursion with trees

To consider using recursion to manipulate tree structures directly, let us first consider a version of member implemented using recursion, assuming the previous representation of sets using ordered trees:
 public boolean member(int n)
  return member(n,tree);

 private static boolean member(int n,Cell t)
     return false;
  else if(t.item==n)
     return true;
  else if(n<t.item)
     return member(n,t.left);
     return member(n,t.right);
As with lists, there is a public non-static method which calls a private static method taking the field of the object as its argument. As with lists, the code for member almost matches a declaration of what it is to be a member of an ordered tree. An integer is not a member of a tree if the tree is null. An integer is a member of a tree if it is equal to the node value of the tree. An integer is a member of the tree if it is a member of its left subtree. An integer is a member of a tree if it is a member of its right subtree. And an integer will only be a member of the left subtree if it is less than the node value of the tree, and will only be a member of the right subtree if it is greater than the node value of the tree (so there is no need in either case to search for membership of the other branch).

Here is the code to add an element to a sorted binary tree:

 public void add(int n)
     tree = new Cell(n,null,null);

 private static void add(int n,Cell t)
        t.left = new Cell(n,null,null);
  else if(n>t.item)
        t.right = new Cell(n,null,null);
  else ; // Do nothing if n is already in the tree
The "do nothing" line is added at the end, as we saw with lists, just to make it clear to the human reader of the code that it is intentional that no change is made to the tree if it is found the number that was to be added is already present. As with lists, we need special code to deal with adding something to the top of the tree, but here that only happens when the tree is null. Otherwise, to add something to a tree, you add it to the left branch if it is less than the node value of the tree, and to the right branch if it is greater. Adding an element to a null branch of the tree means replacing that branch by a leaf, that is a tree whose node value is the element and whose left and right subtrees are null. But that must be done in a method call where the parent of the null branch is the parameter to make the change permanent in the whole tree.

Deleting an element from a tree is again fairly complex due to the code which is necessary to fill a "hole" where the element that is deleted is in a cell which has left and right subtrees which are not null. Here is the code for it:

 private static void delete(int n,Cell t)
        else ; // Do nothing - n not found in t
  else if(n>t.item)
         else ; // Do nothing - n not found in t
  else if(t.left==null)
  else if(t.left.right==null)
      t.item = removeRightmost(t.left);
 private static int removeRightmost(Cell t)
      int rightmost = t.right.item;
      t.right = t.right.left;
      return rightmost;
     return removeRightmost(t.right);
Here the method removeRightmost performs two tasks. It finds and returns the largest integer in the tree t which it takes as an argument (which must also be the rightmost integer in that tree) and it also alters the tree t so that the cell storing that integer is removed. This is used to "fill the hole" produced by deleting an integer, as we did with the same operation expressed iteratively. To remove the rightmost element from a tree t, if t's right branch is a tree with null as its right branch, then t's right branch is set to the left branch of its right branch (since that need not be null), and the node value of that right branch is returned as the rightmost value in the tree. Otherwise, to remove the rightmost element from the tree, we have to remove the rightmost element from its right branch.

The code for removeRightmost assumes that the tree t which is passed to it as its argument does not have null as its right subtree. This means that the method delete has to have a special section of code to deal with the case where the number being removed is the node value of the tree t passed as its argument, but the right subtree of the left subtree of t is null.

In general, it is considered inadvisable to have a method like removeRightmost which both returns a value and performs some permanent change on a data structure. It is good practice to have either methods which return a value but make no permanent changes, or methods which make permanent changes but do not return any values (so have void as their return type). In the case of removeRightmost, we could have had two methods, one to return the rightmost value of a tree, another to change a tree to cut out its rightmost value. However, this would have meant going down the right branches of a the tree twice, whereas combining the two operations into one means it is only done once. We can accept this double action method here because it is not a public method, but one which is only called in this one place within the delete method. So the line t.item = removeRightmost(t.left); both removes the rightmost element from the left branch of t and replaces the node value of t by the value of this rightmost element.

With the method delete, the right or left branch is removed if it is a leaf and contains the integer to be deleted. Otherwise if the item to be deleted is not the node value of the tree that was the argument to the call of delete, a call of delete to delete that item from the left or right branch is made as appropriate.

Note that if the first part of the code for delete were not written:

      else ; // Do nothing - n not found in t
it would have to be written:
In the first case, the else in the fifth line matches the if in the third line. This else is not needed, because there is no action if the condition in its matching if is false. It is put there just to make a little clearer, as shown also by the comment, that this is the point where nothing is done because the integer n has been found not to be in the tree. The curly brackets are needed in the second case because the if inside them has no matching else. Without the curly brackets blocking off
as a separate statement on its own, the following else would be taken to match this if and not the if before it. This is known as the dangling else situation, and can occasionally be the cause of unexpected errors in a program. It is important here to remember that the indentation we use in Java is only to make the code easier for us to read, it has no meaning in Java itself. So the (wrong, so put in italics to show that) code:


would actually be interpreted by the Java compiler as what we would write:


Since Java itself gives no special meaning to indentation, it will not match an else to an if before the previous unmatched if just because we line it up underneath the earlier if using indentation.
Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 6 February 2003