Path finding: Graphs, part 2

Finding a path in a graph

One thing we might want to do with a directed graph is to find whether there is a path from one node to another. For example, given the graph below (the same one we used before):

there is a path from node a to d which consists of the edge a-b followed by the edge b-d. But there is no path from d to a because we cannot follow edges in reverse, and there is no other combinatiom of edges that leads from d to a. We can express a path as an orderd list of nodes that forms the path, so the path from a to d can be expressed as [a,b,d].

A naïve algorithm to find a path from one node to another starts at the initial node, finds a node that joins to the initial node, then finds a node which joins to that node and so on until it reached the final node. Here is a program that implements this algorithm:

import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs1
// Attempts to find shortest path with no backtracking
// Uses iteration

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  String p = path(start,finish,graph);
  System.out.println("Path is: ");

 public static String path(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Cell p = findPath(start,finish,graph);
     return "No path found";
      String str = p.first;
      p =;
      return "["+str+"]";

 private static Cell findPath(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Cell done = new Cell(start,null);
  Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(start);
      String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
      done = new Cell(next,done);
      enum = graph.getLinks(next);
     return done;
     return null;

 private static class Cell
  String first;
  Cell next;
  Cell(String f,Cell n)
You can see this class maintains its own nested class Cell which is used to build a linked list of nodes representing the path. The method path calls findPath to return the linked list representing the path from the start to finish node given as its first two arguments in the graph given as its third arguments. It then converts this to a string representation which is returned. Note that the linked list gives the nodes in reverse order as new nodes are added to the front of the list referred to by done. The order is reversed to the correct order in converting to the string representation.

The representation of graphs is as given previously, with the only public method being getLinks which when given a node gives an Enumeration which gives all the nodes wth edges it connects to by repeated calls of getNextElement on it.

Suppose the file graph1 contains the text:

a b c
b d e
c e
d c f
e f

then running the programe and entering graph1 in response to the prompt for a file and a and e respectively in response to the prompt for a start and finish mode causes [a,b,d,c,e] to be printed.

As you can see, this is a path from a to e in the graph, but not the shortest path, which is either [a,b,e] or [a,c,e]. What happens is that at each node the algorithm takes the next node form the list of nodes and works from there, so at a it is d and so on.

Now suppose the graph were written in the file as:

a b c
b d e
c e
d f c
e f

Although we have previously written the connecting nodes in alphabetical order, we gave no requirement that they be written this way. The Enumeration given by getLink follows the order the order in the file, so now when we are at d we move next to node f. But there are no outgoing edges from node f. We are stuck there and can go no further. This is represented in the code by findPath returning null rather than the list of nodes visited, and path returns a string giving an error message in this case. If there are no outgoing edges from a node, the enumeration obtained by giving that node as the argument to getLinks will return false on the first call of hasMoreElements on it, and nextElement can never be called on it without causing an exception. That is why the loop in findPath has two conditions joined by &&:
the first is a test that the path so far has not reached the node named by finish, and the second a test that there are some outgoing edges.

We shall ignore the problem of reaching dead-ends for the moment, and in order to develop our path-finding algorithm consider representing it recursively rather than iteratively. We saw previously how iteration could be converted to tail recursion. The rest of the program is the same as above, but the methods path and findPath becomes:

 public static String path(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Cell p = findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(start,null));
     return "No path found";
      String str = p.first;
      p =;
      return "["+str+"]";

 private static Cell findPath(String finish,Graph1 graph,Cell done)
     return done;
      Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
          String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
          return findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(next,done));
         return null;
A slight change is that findPath now takes a linked list representing a path as one of its arguments, initially consisting of just the start node. When findPath is called, the latest next node is the first node in the list done.

We can think of this as declaring that a path in the graph referenced by graph which builds on the path referenced by done and leads to the node referenced by finish is either done itself in the case where the first node in the path is equal to finish, or is the path in graph which leads to finish and builds on the path obtained by adding to done the node at the other end of the first edge that links from it. Or we return null if there are no edges leading from the first node in the path referenced by done. However we think of it, it is a translation of the iterative code to recursion which does not change the algorithms, so it will not behave any differently: it will still cause us to get stuck in "dead-ends".


Now here is a version of findPath which doesn't get stuck in dead-ends:
 private static Cell findPath(String finish,Graph1 graph,Cell done)
     return done;
      Cell p=null;
      Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
          String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
          p=findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(next,done));
      return p;
As before, it works by adding the first linking node to the list of nodes encountered so far and then calling the findPath method recursively to add on further nodes. But if the recursive call returns null, instead of returning null itself it tries adding the second linking node to the list of nodes and calling findPath recursively using that as its base. It goes through all the linking nodes until either the recursive call does not return null or there are no linking nodes left, and only if there are no linking nodes let to try does it return null.

To consider in more detail how this code works, let us consider the following graph:

which can be represented by a file containing the following:

a b f
b c d e
d c f g
e g
f e h
h e

Nodes c and g are dead-ends here, nodes without any edges leading from them.

If we wish to find a path from a to h we start with the situation where done represents the list [a] which is represented by the cells-and-pointers structure:

We create an enumeration giving the links from node a. The first call of nextElement on this enumeration returns b, so we make a recursive call with done in the recursive call representing the path [a,b], which is represented by the cells and pointers structure:

(note the cells and pointers structure stores the path in reverse order). We then create an enumeration giving the links from node b. The first call of nextElement on this enumeration returns c. In the recursive call made from here done represents the path [a,b,c] represented by the cells and pointers structure:

and an enumeration is created o give all the nodes leading from node c. The situation at this point could be illustrated using the environment diagrams we used previously to explain recursion:

At this point, the call of hasMoreElements on the enumeration e3 returns false which causes the topmost recursive call to terminate returning null. This now returns control to the recursive call below it, which is in the loop and finds that its p is still null but its enumeration, e2, returns true when hasMoreElements is called on it. So it gets the next node from the enumeration, which is d, and makes a further recursive call, this time with done representing the path [a,b,d]. This call first checks that the first element of its done, which is d, is not equal to its finish which is h, and finding it is not creates an enumeration to give the nodes leading from d in the graph. This means our environment diagram now looks like:

In effect, we have move back from the dead-end of node c to node b and tried the next edge leading from b which takes us to d.

As it happens, the first edge we will try from node d takes us to c again. This time we move back to d and try the next edge leading from it which takes us to f. So we have the situation where we have followed the path [a,b,d,f].

At this point we humans can see that if only we went to node h next, we would have found a path. But our algorithm will try the edges in the strict order they were given in the file. So the edge leading to e is tried next, giving us the path [a,b,d,f,e]. There is only one edge leading from this taking us to g, so we make a recursive call whose done argument represents [a,b,d,f,e,g]. However, g is not the finish we want, but it is a dead-end. We return null to the call whose done represents [a,b,d,f,e]. But here there are no more edges leading out, so its enumeration returns false when hasMoreElements is called on it. So this call too returns null and we return to the call representing the path [a,b,d,f].

Back at the call representing [a,b,d,f] we now try the next edge leading from f and this takes us to h. Our final recursive call has its done argument represent the path [a,b,d,f,h]. Now the field done.first is equal to finish, so this value of done is returned as the result of the recursive call. This sets p in the recursive call below it to something other than null so it exits the loop and returns the same value, which has the same effect on the recursive call below it, and so on down to the original call. So [a,b,d,f,h] is returned as this algorithm's answer to the request for a path from a to h.

What is happening here is known as backtracking. We have a problem that could return a solution, but could also return a special value, in this case null indicating "no solution found". We do not know which of several possible calls we should make to find a solution, in this case which edge to add to the path in making the recursive call. So we try all possibilities in turn until we find one which returns us a solution rather than "no solution found". Each time we get to a dead-end, that is a call which does not represent a solution and has no calls at all that can be made from it, we backtrack, that is go back to the last call we made where there are alternative calls that can be tried, and try the next alternative.

We can think of this as a tree which is traversed traversed preorder left-to-right, until either a node is found which represents a solution, or all nodes have been considered and no solution found.

In our path example, the nodes of the tree represent paths through the graph being considered. The children of any node represent the paths that can be obtained by adding one extra edge to the path of the the node. For our graph above the complete tree is:

                / \
               /   \
              /     \
             /       \
            /         \
           /           \
          /             \
         /               \
        ab                af     
       /|\               / \
      / | \             /   \
     /  |  \            |    |
    /   |   \           |    |
   /    |    \          |    |
  /     |     \         |    |
abc    abd     abe     afe  afh
      / | \     \       |    |   
     /  |  \     \      |    |
    /   |   \     \     |    |
  abdc abdf abdg  abeg afeg afhe
       / \                   |
      /   \                  |
     /     \                 |
  abdfe   abdfh            afheg
    |       |
    |       |
    |       |
 abdfeg   abdfhe  
However, our attempt to find a path from a to h only traverses the following part of the tree:
      / | 
     /  |  
    /   |   
   /    | 
  /     |  
abc    abd  
      / |      
     /  |     
    /   |    
  abdc abdf 
       / \  
      /   \                  
     /     \                 
  abdfe   abdfh           
The rightmost leaf in this portion of the tree, labelled abdfh represents a solution, the other leaves represents dead-ends from which backtracking is necessary.

Finding the path in this way is a search problem. We have a "space" of possible solutions, as described by the tree, and we can consider solving the problem as searching through this tree to find a node in it which is a solution, in this case where nodes represent possible paths starting with our start node, a solution node is one whose path ends with our finish node. Note, however, that the tree is implicit in the algorithm, we do not construct a tree data structure. The search given by our program is known as depth first search because it goes as deep as it can in the first branch of the tree it is searching, backtracking and looking at other branches only if no solution can be found in it.


Suppose we try our program above with the following graph:

Although the graph looks simple, just like the one we first looked at, with just an extra edge from c to b, it has one extra feature which causes problems: it contains a cycle that is there is a subset of the edges that make up a path going from one node and returning to the same node, {b-d,d-c,c-b}. The first graph and the second graph we looked at were both what is known as DAGs, standing for "directed acyclic graphs", that is not only were the edges directed but they contained no cycles, that it it is impossible from any node to find a path that leads back to the same node.

If we looked for a path from node a to f in the above graph our search would start with a, then move to the node representing the path [a,b] then to the node representing [a,b,d], then to [a,b,d,c], then to [a,b,d,c,b]. This represents a path which leads back onto itself, since now we are back at the node b, and we follow the same nodes as before, going to [a,b,d,c,b,d], then to [a,b,d,c,b,d,c], then to [a,b,d,c,b,d,c,b] and so on forever without ever getting to a path which ends in f.

One way of thinking of this is that we are searching an infinite tree:

                         / \
                        /   \
                       /     \
                      /       \
                     /         \
                    /           \
                   /             \
                 ab               ac
                 /\               /\
                /  \             /  \
               /    \           /    \
              /      \         /      \
            abd      abe     acb      ace
            / \       |      / \        \
           /   \      |     /   \        \
          /     \     |    /     \        \
        abdc   abdf  abef acbd  acbe     acef
        / \              /\        \
       /   \            /  \        \
      /     \          /    \        \
   abdcb   abdce     acbdc  acbdf   acbef
    / \      |       / \     
   /  ...    |      /  ...      
  /          |     /        
infinite  abdcef infinite
A depth-first left-to-right search will get caught in the infinite branch and never get to solutions to its right.

In this case, a simple solution is to eliminate paths containing cycles from consideration. This can be done by introducing a membership check on a node against nodes already in the path before considering that path. To do this, findPath becomes:

 private static Cell findPath(String finish,Graph1 graph,Cell done)
     return done;
      Cell p=null;
      Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
          String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
              p=findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(next,done));
      return p;
with need for a new private method, which could be expressed recursively:
 private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
     return false;
  else if(list.first.equals(node))
     return true;
     return member(node,;
or iteratively:
 private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
  Cell ptr;
  for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
  return ptr!=null;
The iterative version would be more efficient since it does not involve the overhead of method calling, but the difference of efficiency would be a constant factor, not an order of magnitude, since both are essentially the same algorithm differently expressed.
Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 12th November 2001