Shortest path finding: Graphs, part 3

Finding the shortest path in a graph

As noted in the previous set of notes, there may be several paths from one node to another in a graph. The depth-first with backtracking algorithm we gave previously did not always return the shortest path between two nodes (where the length of the path is measured by the number of edges that make it up).

For example, on the graph

represented by the file:

a b c
b d e
c b e
d c f
e f

It returns [a,b,d,c,e,f] as the path from node a to f even though there are three paths from a to f consisting of three rather than five edges: [a,b,d,f], [a,b,e,f] and [a,c,e,f].

The depth-first with backtracking algorithm considered each of the branches of the search tree in turn until it found one in which search of it returned a solution. A naïve approach would be to search each of the branches to find the best solution from any of them, and return that. Here is the code to do that, given with its complete program:

import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs5
// Path search, depth-first, search all paths for shortest

 private static int count;

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  String p = path(start,finish,graph);
  System.out.println("Path (after considering "+count+" paths) is: ");

 public static String path(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Cell p = findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(start,null));
     return "No path possible";
      String str = p.first;
      p =;
      return "["+str+"]";

 private static Cell findPath(String finish,Graph1 graph,Cell done)
     return done;
      Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
      Cell bestPath=null;
      int bestLength=0;
          String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
              Cell p=findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(next,done));
                     int l=lengthTo(done,p);
      return bestPath;

 private static int lengthTo(Cell base,Cell p)
  int count=0;
  for(Cell ptr=p; ptr!=base;, count++);
  return count;

 private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
  Cell ptr;
  for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
  return ptr!=null;

 private static class Cell
  String first;
  Cell next;
  Cell(String f,Cell n)
This is not a very efficient way of finding the shortest route between two nodes. It always searches the whole search tree. Consider the graph we used previously which had search tree for a path from node a:
                / \
               /   \
              /     \
             /       \
            /         \
           /           \
          /             \
         /               \
        ab                af
       /|\               / \
      / | \             /   \
     /  |  \            |    |
    /   |   \           |    |
   /    |    \          |    |
  /     |     \         |    |
abc    abd     abe     afe  afh
      / | \     \       |    |
     /  |  \     \      |    |
    /   |   \     \     |    |
  abdc abdf abdg  abeg afeg afhe
       / \                   |
      /   \                  |
     /     \                 |
  abdfe   abdfh            afheg
    |       |
    |       |
    |       |
 abdfeg   abdfhe
Using this program will cause all 20 paths in the tree to be searched in the search for a path from a to g. The only paths that are not searched are those in a subtree whose root value is a solution path. For example, in the search for a path from a to b, the paths below the path [a,b] are not considered, but all those below [a,f] are.

The whole program was shown to indicate how a count of the number of paths searched is obtained using a static variable. The variable, called count, is declared outside any method, but as it is static there is just one variable which can be accessed by all methods in the class. It would not make sense to have a variable declared outside all the methods but non-static in class UseGraphs5 above, since this would be declaring a field in UseGraphs5 objects, but UseGraphs5 is a class which gives some static methods (including a main method enabling it to be used to initiate a program) and isn't intended to describe a type of object. Each time the method findPath is called, count is increased by 1, so at the end of the program it gives a count of the number of times findPath was called.

This is the nearest Java comes to a global variable, that is a variable which is shared by a whole program. The same warning that is given about global variables in other languages also applies to static variables in Java classes. Because they are a way that method calls can interact without using argument passing and result returning, they can cause confusing interaction, particularly if the global variable is changed in some obscure part of the code. However, usage in carefully defined circumstances such as this may be preferable to more complicated code that would be required to achieve the same effect otherwise.

Note that in comparing paths, this program does not measure complete path lengths at each call of findPath but only the length of paths back to the cell they share in common. This is what is done in lengthTo. Again, this could be implemented iteratively as given, or recursively as:

 private static int lengthTo(Cell base,Cell p)
     return 0;
     return 1+lengthTo(base,;
This is still not very efficient, as the length of paths will be measured at each level of the search tree.

Branch and bound search

In the code above each call of findPath which did not represent a leaf in the search tree kept its own record of the best path found so far amongst its descendants. Thus bestPath and bestLength are local variables and there is a separate bestPath and bestLength variable for every call of findPath.

But we could have just one bestPath and bestLength variable, shared by all findPath calls, and updated whenever any of these calls represents a leaf in the search tree which represents a shorter path from the start to the finish node than any found previously in the search of the tree. We have already seen how a variable which is global to all method calls in a class can be obtained with count in the previous example. We use that same idea of a static variable declared outside any method to give a global bestPath and bestLength variable in the code below. In this code, findPath no longer works by returning the shortest path in the branch of the tree it represents, but by altering the value of the global bestPath and bestLength. Here is the complete code for the program:

import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs7
// Path search, depth-first, search all paths for shortest
// Keep global best path so far
// Cut off search of longer paths

 private static int count,bestLength;
 private static Cell bestPath;

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  String p = path(start,finish,graph);
  System.out.println("Path (after considering "+count+" paths) is: ");

 public static String path(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(start,null),0);
     return "No path possible";
      String str = bestPath.first;
      bestPath =;
      return "["+str+"]";

 private static void findPath(String finish,Graph1 graph,Cell done,int length)
  else if(bestPath==null||length==bestLength-1)
      Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
      Cell best=null;
      int bestlength=0;
          String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
             findPath(finish,graph,new Cell(next,done),length+1);

 private static void checkBest(Cell p,int length)
  int count=0;

 private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
  Cell ptr;
  for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
  return ptr!=null;

 private static class Cell
  String first;
  Cell next;
  Cell(String f,Cell n)
Note also that the length of a path, instead of being calculated at the time of comparing it with the best path found so far, is given by a parameter called length in the findPath method, which gives the depth in the search tree that any partiuclar call of findPath represents.

Another aspect of this code is that it treats the length of any path found as an upper bound on the length of the shortest path. For example, if we have found a path of length 5 from the given start to finish node, we know it is pointless to search branches of the tree representing paths of length 5 and their descendants as they cannot possibly give us a shorter path than the one we already have. However it is worthwhile searching branches of the tree representing paths shorter than 5 as we may find a shorter one. This is known as branch and bound search.

If we consider the search tree above, searching this tree left-to-right for a path from a to g gives [a,b,d,f,e,g] as the first path found. As this is of length 5, the path for [a,b,d,f,h,e] and its descendants are not considered as they cannot possibly give us a path with a shorter length than 5. Later in the search, the path [a,b,d,g] is found, so bestPath is changed from referring to [a,b,d,f,e,g] to referring to [a,b,d,g], and bestLength is changed from 5 to 3. After this, no further path of length 3 or greater is considered. So a path which can be guaranteed to be of the shortest length of any possible path from a to g in the graph is returned after considering only 14 paths in the search tree rather than the full 20.

Breadth-first search

The length of a path between two nodes is equal to the depth of that path in the search tree. So another way of finding a solution which we can guarantee is a shortest path is to search the tree breadth-first. This means we consider all paths of a particular length before considering any paths of a greater length. We have already seen how breadth first traversal of a tree can be obtained through the use of a queue. We can use the same technique to give breadth first traversal of the search tree for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. The program for this is give below, with the type Queue being as given in the class Queue previously.
import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs8
// Path search, breadth-first, using queue
// With cycle test

 private static int count;

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  count = 0;
  String p = path(start,finish,graph);
  System.out.println("Path (after considering "+count+" paths) is: ");

 public static String path(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Cell p = findPath(start,finish,graph);
     return "No path possible";
      String str = p.first;
      p =;
      return "["+str+"]";

 private static Cell findPath(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Queue q = new Queue();
  q.join(new Cell(start,null));
      Cell done = (Cell)q.first();
         return done;
          Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
             String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
                q.join(new Cell(next,done));
  return null;

 private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
  Cell ptr;
  for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
  return ptr!=null;

 private static class Cell
  String first;
  Cell next;
  Cell(String f,Cell n)
The loop in findPath means we have a queue of paths starting with the initial node given to the search. Each time round the loop takes a path from this queue and adds to the queue all the paths obtained by adding a node linked with an edge to the last node in the path taken off. The test condition in the loop is when the queue is empty, but this will only happen if the entire tree has been searched and no solution found. The return statement in the loop, executed when the path taken from the front of the queue ends in the final node given to the search causes the loop and the while findPath method to be terminated and this path given as its return value.

The code here has the check to ensure we have a path with no cycles, but if we do have search trees with infinite branches, breadth-first search will not get stuck in an infinite branch before finding a solution to its right in the tree. Thus breadth-first search can be useful where it is otherwise not so easy to eliminate infinite branches from a search tree.

In the above example, breadth-first search will return the solution [a,b,d,g] after searching only 11 paths.

It is also possible to obtain depth-first search by using a stack instead of a queue to store paths representing partial solutions. Again, this is using the technique we saw before, which elimiated recursion by using a stack. Only findPath in the above program needs to be changed, to:

 private static Cell findPath(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Stack st = new Stack();
  st.push(new Cell(start,null));
      Cell done = (Cell);
         return done;
          Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
             String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
                st.push(new Cell(next,done));
  return null;
However this code gives right-to-left rather than left-to-right search of the search tree, so with the tree above it will give [a,f,h,e,g] as its solution for a path from a to g. The reason for this is that as a stack has the LIFO property, when the descendant paths are added to it, the one added last (i.e. the rightmost descendant) is the first taken off.

While there is no particular reason not to search right-to-left, if we wanted to search left-to-right to demonstrate that with a stack we can search in exactly the same order as given by recursion, we can employ a temporary stack onto which the descendant paths are put, and once they are all on it, take them off to put on the main stack:

 private static Cell findPath(String start,String finish,Graph1 graph)
  Stack st = new Stack();
  st.push(new Cell(start,null));
      Cell done = (Cell);
         return done;
          Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
          Stack st1 = new Stack();
              String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
                 st1.push(new Cell(next,done));
              Cell c = (Cell);
  return null;

A graph path enumeration

The search for a path through a graph employing queues and stacks above halted as soon as the first solution was found. Suppose we wanted to go through possible solutions. We could again employ the idea of an enumeration. This time, the enumeration would represent the possible paths between two nodes in a graph, and each time nextElement is called on it, another paths is returned.

Here is code for a complete program which turns breadth-first search for a path in a graph into an enumeration:

import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs12
// Path search, breadth first, query for more answers

 private static int count;

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  String reply = "y";
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  count = 0;
  Enumeration enum = new Paths(start,finish,graph);
      String p = (String)enum.nextElement();
      System.out.println("Path (after considering "+count+" paths) is: ");
      System.out.print("Continue (y/n) ? ");
      reply = in.readLine().trim();
   System.out.print("No (more) paths ");
   System.out.println("(after considering "+count+" paths)");

 public static class Paths implements Enumeration
  String finish;
  Graph1 graph;
  Queue q;
  Cell nextEl;
  boolean progressed;

  Paths(String start,String f,Graph1 g)
   finish =f;
   graph = g;
   q = new Queue();
   q.join(new Cell(start,null));
   nextEl = null;

  public Object nextElement()
   return pathToString(nextEl);

  public boolean hasMoreElements()
   return (nextEl!=null);

  public String pathToString(Cell p)
   String str = p.first;
   p =;
   return "["+str+"]";

  private Cell progress()
       Cell done = (Cell)q.first();
          return done;
           Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
               String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
                  q.join(new Cell(next,done));
   return null;

  private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
   Cell ptr;
   for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
   return ptr!=null;

  private static class Cell
   String first;
   Cell next;
   Cell(String f,Cell n)
As you can see, most of the code in the program is in the class Paths which is nested in the class UseGraphs12. The current state of the search is represented by a queue which is referenced by the q field of a Paths object, which is a subclass of Java's built-in interface Enumeration. However, whereas above the queue is a local variable in a static method findPath and so disappears as soon as a solution is found and returned, here it remains in existence as an attribute of the Paths object.

The method hasMoreElements takes paths from the front of the queue and puts their immediate descendants onto the back of the queue until either a solution is found, in which case it returns true, or the queue becomes empy, in which case falsenextEl because hasMoreElements only says whether there are more solutions to be returned, it does not return them.

The method nextElement returns the solution held in the field nextEl. However it only does this if hasMoreElements was called previously. If not, it must do what the call of hasMoreElements would have done and loop through taking paths off the queue and putting their descendants on it until it comes across a new solution. The boolean field progressed says whether hasMoreElements has been called to obtain the next element, or not. The main work of processing the queue is done in a private method called progress which progresses the search to the point where the next solution is found.

As the enumeration returns solutions as string representations, it needs its own private Cell class to build up linked lists for itself to represent paths in the search tree. An enumeration which gives the solutions as found by depth-first traversal of the search tree rather than breadth-first can be obtained by using a stack rather than a queue (the code here employs the same trick as above to give left-to-right rather than right-to-left depth-first traversal):

import java.util.*;

class UseGraphs13
// Path search, depth-first, query for more answers

 private static int count;

 public static void main(String[] args)
 throws IOException
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
  BufferedReader file;
  String reply = "y";
  System.out.print("Enter name of file for graph: ");
  file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in.readLine().trim()));
  Graph1 graph = new Graph1(file);
  System.out.print("Enter start node: ");
  String start = in.readLine().trim();
  System.out.print("Enter finish node: ");
  String finish = in.readLine().trim();
  count = 0;
  Enumeration enum = new Paths(start,finish,graph);
      String p = (String)enum.nextElement();
      System.out.println("Path (after considering "+count+" paths) is: ");
      System.out.print("Continue (y/n) ? ");
      reply = in.readLine().trim();
   System.out.print("No (more) paths ");
   System.out.println("(after considering "+count+" paths)");

 public static class Paths implements Enumeration
  String finish;
  Graph1 graph;
  Stack st;
  Cell nextEl;
  boolean progressed;

  Paths(String start,String f,Graph1 g)
   finish =f;
   graph = g;
   st = new Stack();
   st.push(new Cell(start,null));
   nextEl = null;

  public Object nextElement()
   return pathToString(nextEl);

  public boolean hasMoreElements()
   return (nextEl!=null);

  public String pathToString(Cell p)
   String str = p.first;
   p =;
   return "["+str+"]";

  private Cell progress()
       Cell done = (Cell);
          return done;
           Enumeration enum = graph.getLinks(done.first);
           Stack st1 = new Stack();
               String next = (String)enum.nextElement();
                  st1.push(new Cell(next,done));
               Cell p = (Cell);
   return null;

  private static boolean member(String node,Cell list)
   Cell ptr;
   for(ptr=list; ptr!=null&&!ptr.first.equals(node);;
   return ptr!=null;

  private static class Cell
   String first;
   Cell next;
   Cell(String f,Cell n)
The mode of search here - depth-first with backtracking, that returns a solution but is then suspended so that it can be reawoken and made to return further solutions if required - is fundamental to the logic programming language Prolog.
Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 13th November 2001